Monday, December 22, 2008

Boost your market value

In a flash, 60 direct employees and 1,000 indirectly linked to Nakasero Soap Works factory lost jobs and business respectively (See “Nakasero Soap Works Closes” Daily Monitor, September 20, 2006). Reason? One of Uganda’s oldest factories had failed “to put up with stiff competition in the market place” With the current credit crunch we may see more of such stories.

With over 20 universities churning out thousands of graduates annually, the East African Community opening up, nationalities around the world competing for the same jobs; it’s no longer the Ugandan job market but the global market. The most knowledgeable, skilled and prepared will survive and thrive.

In 1998, Peter Lowe’s Success Magazine identified 9 principles that can boost your market value. A decade later, his wisdom is still true today.

Conquer the computer
Master the computer. Most jobs are now related to the computer. Mastering packages like Microsoft office and Internet research skills will give you a competitive edge. Keep updating your skills. In Kampala, Aptech and Horizons offer quality computer training.

Polish your public speaking skills
Management consultant Nelson Lees observed, “The people who get ahead are those who don’t shrink from the opportunity to convey their thoughts and ideas”. Public speaking is critical when making sales presentations, holding meetings and most aspects of your job. Such a skill enhances possibilities of promotion and visibility outside the workplace, which boosts your employment opportunities and security. Buy yourself a copy of Public Speaking Secrets Exposed and attend related workshops.

Write like a winner
What you write and how you write tells the world who you are. Make a habit of editing, re-editing your reports and any other written work with a keen eye to making it clearer, better organised and more precise. You will be identified as a winner.

Read extensively
Devour non-fiction works to keep abreast with current developments and trends. Read classic literature to tap into timeless truths to understand human nature. A book or more per month keeps competition away.

Expand your vocabulary
Research shows that people with the best vocabularies get the best jobs and the best salaries. The words you say will make or break the sale, get you hired or fired. Keep your dictionary handy to check out new words.

Nurture your network
One of the top executives in Uganda intimated to me how he turned a dying institution to one of the most recognised at the moment through the power of expanding and nurturing his contacts. He gets to know his networks and nurtures them through regular contact. Join quality groups like the management forum run by British Council. At Shs40,000 annually, it’s a bargain.

Mind your manners
Observe proper etiquette. Be courteous and professional. If you do, you will smile all the way to the bank as you win deal after deal or get juicier promotions.

Learn a new language
In a global economy, learning a new language will create an instant boost in your professional success. In the Great lakes region fluent speakers of French and English have a competitive advantage. Alliance Francaise has good programmes.Explore other languages like Germany and Spanish, which you can study at the Institute of Languages Makerere University during campus holidays.

Continue your education
Every shilling invested in furthering your education not only multiplies your professional value, it enriches your life. Education is never a destination; it’s a life long journey for those who want to live a fuller and richer life. Organisation won’t guarantee you 100 per cent job security but the above strategies will.

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